Membership Application Form Please check appropriate membership category and out all the following information Membership Category:*Individual Membership Annual fee: $20Organization Membership Annual fee: $100Corporate Membership Annual fee: $200Life Individual Membership fee: $1000 First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Address* Street Address Street Address Line 2 City Province Postal Code Phone* Email* Consent:*I here by declare as followsDeclarationThat I am eighteen years of age or moreThat I reside in OntarioI am enclosing the annual membership fee as determined by the Board of DirectorsThat I undertake to act in the best interest of BIESThat I undertake to abide by the By-Laws of BIES and any decision of the Board of DirectorsThat I agree to endorse and actively demonstrate BIES mission, vision and principles as outlined in the By-Laws. If, I am found to be in violation of any of the above declarations, I understand that my membership may be terminated. reCAPTCHA Signature*ClearSubmitReset